Committee introduction

Steering Committee


They are in charge of the operation of YWCA Kumamoto. Important matters are decided by this committee.


The YWCA Kumamoto Steering Committee consists of one chairman, two vice chairmen, one accountant, one clerk, and three members.

Cosmopolitan Committee


Youth members (from high school students to 30-year-old) play a central role in various activities with middle and senior members. The main activities are: meetings, Cosmopolitan Café, workshops, summer camps and spring recreation camps.


 There are lots of discussions every month, but it's fun and friendly! And we are always passionate about it.


The Cosmopolitan Committee is always looking for friends. Let's work together!




Fukushima & Kumamoto Kids Spring Exciting Camp:

A camp for children in Fukushima and Kumamoto that has been held since 2015. This refreshment program started in the wake of the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant accident caused by the Great East Japan Earthquake. We will continue our program with Fukushima until the children born on March 11, 2011 are 20 years old.



A monthly workshop is held about what the committee members are interested in. Past themes include: "public relations, committee management, recreation, etc ..."

Gender Committee


This committee discusses gender issues and awareness on "Gender Cafe".


On March 8th "Women's March Kumamoto" was held for International Women's Day.


~ About Gender Cafe ~

Participants are divided into small groups and speak freely within the group. YWCA Kumamoto holds gender cafes on a regular basis. Please join us.


~ Themes of Gender Cafe so far ~

- How do you feel when you are told "(that's) because you're a girl" or "(that's) because you're a boy"?


- Relationship with mother.


- Unconscious Bias.


Extra edition: Ask LGBTQ parties:

- What troubles me, what I want you to know.


 "Let's share our frustrations about everyday gender biases"


~ The origin of Gender Cafe ~

In March 2018, five members of YWCA Kumamoto participated in the "Trip to Think of Nanjing 2018" (南京を考える旅2018) co-sponsored by China YWCA and Japan YWCA. There, a study session on the issue of wartime sexual violence ("comfort women") and a lecture by Sumire Hamada (at that time part of Asia-Japan Women's Resource Center) were held. After that, a gender cafe was held at Kumamoto YWCA in 2019 inspired by the desire to create a place where experiences and thoughts could be shared freely and peacefully.

International Committee


This committee supports international students and carry out multicultural exchanges.


Recycling bazaar: First Saturday of every month, from 14:00 to 16:00 (closed in August).


Scholarship: Every November we recruit from universities in the Kumamoto Prefecture.


Neighbors Association: About three times a year, we introduce our home country and enjoy seasonal events and japanese cuisine. In particular, the experience of wearing kimono and having tea at the Hinamatsuri is well appreciated by foreigners.

Cafe Committee


This committee is in charge of Prefab Café, where delicious meals are handmade by the members.


The members are also challenging themselves by making seasonal and vegetarian menus which are also halal.


In addition, events, lectures and several activities will be held.

Nakayoshi Club Committee


In this club learning support, interaction and lunch for elementary school students are provided.


Come join us and do school homework here with the help of our volunteers! It is intended for all elementary school students, regardless of nationality.


Date and time: Every Saturday from 10:00 to 12:30.

Participation feeJP¥ 10 (including lunch).

Target: Elementary school students only.

What to bring: Homework, writing utensils, masks, handkerchiefs and entry fee


Please feel free to contact us.

YWCA Kumamoto is working with the support of Kumamoto City.

For other children's cafeterias in Kumamoto City, please see the map below.

[Kumamoto City Children's Cafeteria Map]

Public Relations Committee


This committee is responsible for the general public relations of YWCA Kumamoto.


Now, we are sending messages and thoughts that we want to convey through bulletins, SNS, etc.


We also develop, create, and sell goods that are unique to YWCA Kumamoto.